Event Photos 2021

Warbirds Over Monroe
Nathan Weisskopf and Jackson Adams pose for a photo early on the first day of the event.
* Note: Wearing the Greatcoat (Mantel) open is possibly incorrect. However, as can be seen from the photo it was a very windy and cold and it was more of a choice for convenience than accuracy. However, I did base this on another reenactor's photos.

Warbirds Over Monroe
Nathan Weisskopf, Jackson Adams, and Joshua King pose with the Schwarzlose M7/12 Machine Gun in front of an Austro-Hungarian Infantry Tent.
Jackson and Joshua were representing the Imperial Russian Army.

Warbirds Over Monroe
"POW Photo" Somehow this Kaiserschützen
found himself a few hundred miles away on the wrong front.

Warbirds Over Monroe
Nathan Weisskopf without mantel posing in front of the tent once again. This kit would be an example of a late war uniform utilizing M16 Universal Pattern styles.

Warbirds Over Monroe
Showing off the Austrian M15 Gas Mask and Russian Zelinsky Mask. I had problems with my belt getting crooked all day, and I apologize for the atrocious position of my belt buckle in this photo.